How To Ask For Help

New Leader Series Pt. 8

Sometimes new leaders find it very difficult to ask for help.

I understand where this is coming from because it is tough in a new position, especially in leadership, when you don't know something.

You can feel as though people may think you should know everything about what you are doing because you're in leadership.

The problem is that when you try to figure something out on your own without asking for help because of this fear, you end up usually making a mistake that is costly. It can cost you valuable time and money just because you did not ask. You are also setting a precedent for your team that asking for help appears to be weak and that it is something you definitely do not want to project! What you need to do is ask the right person at the right time, your very clear and specific question about what you need to know.

Take good notes in order to make sure that you are not in the position where you have to ask that question again.

Thank them for their time and support as you transition into your role and move on! Learn and grow, here we go! Please drop me a comment below and let me know what you thought of this series. I would also love to hear your questions, so please don't be shy, I would love to hear from you! You can find me at or on all social channels @jennyb_yyc All the love, Jenny B