How To Grow As A Leader

The non-developer is my least favorite of all because they are the most dangerous!

These leaders just make mistake after mistake and hurt people along the way. They don't take the time to develop themselves as leaders.

Here are resources how and reasons why this growth is so important!

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How To Make Necessary Changes

The difference between the two is that this person actually isn't paralyzed by overthinking, they just don't want to rock the boat and make people feel uncomfortable with some of the changes they want to make.

The truth is that a big part of your job to make changes.

Here is how to do it right and why timing is key!

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jennifer barroll
How To Ask For Help

Sometimes new leaders find it very difficult to ask for help.

I understand where this is coming from because it is tough in a new position, especially in leadership, when you don't know something.

You can feel as though people may think you should know everything about what you are doing because you're in leadership.

Here’s how and why getting help when you need it is so important.

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How To Build Trust And Make Changes

Some new leaders feel like they need to start changing everything once they get into power.

In this case, it is usually because they feel like they have something to prove.

They want to build confidence with their team that they are leaders who are not afraid to take action.

The problem is that this has the opposite effect! What ends up happening is that these new leaders end up breaking down the very thing that they think they are building.

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How To Make Sure You Are Not A Micromanager

New leaders sometimes fall into the micromanaging trap. They have a lot of pressure on them to do a great job, so they put that pressure on their teams to do things their way.

When you really think about leadership however, it's not just about getting tasks done, it is about empowering people, about inspiring them, abou bringing the best out of them. When you micromanage someone, you literally do the opposite of that!

Here’s how and why to avoid the micromanaging trap and how to get the best out of your team!

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How To Prioritize

When you prioritize the needs of your team, the people that report directly to you, you will make them feel supported, they will feel that you care about them and their needs.

What happens when your team feels that way, is that they will go the extra mile for you! They will work their butts off to make sure that you get everything you need to be done, done.

A team that is treated well will go the extra mile for their leader. A team that is at the bottom of the list of priorities Will feel ignored, not supported, not important enough, and they won't go the extra mile.

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How To Get Over Imposter Syndrome

You were hired for a reason. You do have the skills to do this job. You are new, and you are going to make mistakes, and that is ok! If you take on the responsibilities of your new position from a perspective of learning and growth, you will do exactly that: Learn and grow! If you take it on like it's going to ruin you and everyone is going to figure out how incapable you are... I hate to tell you, that's how your leadership journey is going to go!

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How To Get The Best From Your Team

The truth is that leadership is not about "telling people what to do" it is about inspiring, motivating and bringing the best out of their team.

If you are a new leader, consider taking a step back from trying to be the BOSS and dive deep into the mindset of support and encouragement. It will go so much further for you in the long run!

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How To Deal With Everybody

Sometimes it can feel as though everybody needs everything from you all at once.

Here is my best advice for you if this is how you are feeling:

Understand that you do not need to be all things to all people. People really just need to be heard.

They need to know that you are listening to what they have to say. They need to know that what they are saying matters to you.

The best thing you can do as a new leader is become a great listener.

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